Death in service

Death in Service benefit
All employees receive life cover on commencement of their employment with IMI. This means your family are protected if you die while employed by IMI. The death in service benefit is a cash lump sum of five times your basic salary.
How do I nominate my beneficiaries?
It is really important that you nominate your beneficiaries for your death in service benefit by completing an Expression of Wish Form to make sure the money gets paid as quickly as possible to the right people. You can also obtain an Expression of Wish Form from your local HR contact.
You can choose anyone you want to receive the money – it can be family members, but it doesn’t have to be. The Trustee of the death-in-service benefit decides who gets your death-in-service benefit but, as long as you fill in the form, they take your wishes into account.
What happens to your pension pot if you die while employed by IMI?
All of your savings in the Mercer Master Trust – IMI Retirement Savings Plan (the Plan) including the contributions paid by IMI and all investment returns on these savings will be paid to your beneficiaries if you should die while employed by IMI.
To ensure your loved ones are looked after in the event of your death, you must also complete a separate beneficiary form for the Plan for the Trustee of the Plan to take into consideration when deciding who should receive your benefits. This can be completed by logging into your Mercer Money account.