Automatic enrolment

The UK government created auto-enrolment to help more people save for retirement. It’s short for automatic enrolment, which just means that eligible employees must automatically be given a pension from their work.

You’re eligible if you’re aged between 22 and State Pension age, and earn at least £10,000 a year working for IMI.

You don't need to do anything

Three months after you become eligible, we’ll automatically enrol you into the IMI pension. It’s automatic for a reason: we take care of everything.

You can choose how much you want to pay into your pension, and what you’d like to invest in.

We'll be in touch in plenty of time, to give you all the detail you need.

Your IMI pension

When you join IMI, we'll send you a booklet about the pension scheme. Watch the video below for a summary:

Want to join sooner?

You have two simple choices:

1. Do nothing and wait to be auto-enrolled after three months.

2. Join now by filling in this form and start building up your savings sooner.

If you’re not eligible but are still keen to join – that’s great. Simply fill in the form above or speak to your manager.

The sooner you join, the more money you’ll build up – and the closer you’ll be to a better tomorrow.

Do you secretly love pensions and everything about them?

Find lots more information at Geeks Corner.