Bringing your pension savings into one pot

If you like, you can bring any of your other pensions into your IMI workplace pension so your savings are all in one pot – called a transfer in.

It can be really helpful, as it’s easier to see what you have and where you are with saving for your future.

Is this right for you?

There’s quite a bit to think about, like potential charges and the loss of valuable benefits or features. Our article below will help with this.

It’s a good idea to speak to a financial adviser as they’ll explain exactly what it would mean for you. Money Helper, a government-backed free service, can help you to find one.

How to trace those forgotten pension pots

The Association of British Insurers (ABI) say there’s around £19 billion to be claimed from lost pensions. Wait, how much? - That’s a lot of money you could ...

There’s no rush – you don’t need to do this right at the start, and you don't have to do this at all if you feel that it's not right for you.

Ready to transfer? Complete a 'Transfer in' form. Alternatively, get in touch with Mercer – they’ll help with everything you need to do.

Do you secretly love pensions and everything about them?

Find lots more information at Geeks Corner.