IMI 2014 Deferred Fund

The IMI Pension Fund was established on 1 October 1970. If you’re a member, you built up pension linked to your service and salary during your career with IMI until the Fund closed to future accrual on 31 December 2010.

Fund summary

The IMI Pension Fund was established on 1 October 1970. If you’re a member, you built up pension linked to your service and salary during your career with IMI until the Fund closed to future accrual on 31 December 2010. At that date, contributing members employed by IMI at that time became ‘Preserved Employed Members’ and joined the IMI Mercer Master Trust from 1 January 2011.

The Fund was split into two funds – the IMI 2014 Deferred Fund and the IMI 2014 Pensioner Fund. The IMI Pensioner Fund has been wound up as it no longer has any members.

The Funds were set up as a trust-based occupational arrangement and are managed by a Trustee Board in the interests of all beneficiaries. They’re administered by Willis Towers Watson and registered with the Pensions Regulator and HMRC. Fund assets are held under Trust and are entirely separate from those of the Company. As an entity in its own right, the Fund prepares its own financial statements called the ‘Report & Accounts’.

The Funds have a Trustee Board, with two Company appointed directors and three nominated by the membership (Member Nominated Trustee Directors).

The Funds are made up of four sections, each with its own set of rules. While contributing to the IMI Pension Fund, you might have paid Additional Voluntary Contributions (AVCs). The Savings Section of the IMI Pension Plan replaced the existing AVCs options, which ended in March 2006.

From April 2006, you could boost your pension savings by paying into the Savings Section of the IMI Pension Plan (administered by Standard Life) and/or transferring the value of your AVCs into the Savings Section.

If you were a member of the Savings Section and still employed by IMI in September 2013, you received details of how to continue to make payments to and/or transfer your AVCs into the Mercer Master Trust.

Sections of the IMI 2014 Deferred Fund

The Fund is made up of four sections:

1. The IMI Section

  • Closed to new entrants from 1 July 2002.
  • Closed to future build up from 31 December 2010.

2. The Facsimile Section

  • Made up of members of the ICI Pension Fund before 6 April 1980.
  • The rules of the Facsimile Section were established to mirror the rules of the ICI Pension Fund.
  • All members of this section have now been bought out of the fund.

3. The Main Section

  • For most new entrants from 1 July 2002 until the Fund closed to new entrants on 31 December 2005.
  • Incorporates the liabilities transferred from the former MKR Holdings Ltd and Associated and Subsidiary Companies Retirement Benefits Scheme brought into the Main Section on 1 July 2002.

4. The Senior Section

  • Includes the liabilities transferred in from the former IMI Supplementary Pension Fund.

Annual Pension Increase

Your pension increases each year on 1 January by the annual rise in the Retail Price Index measured to the previous September. Pension built up from 1 January 2006 increases by a maximum of 2.5% and pension built up before 1 January 2006 increases by a maximum of 5%. Exception to this is the MKR Section, where increases apply on 1 April each year.

Main Section

1 January 2022
1 January 2021
1 January 2020

MKR Section

1 April 2022
1 April 2021
1 April 2020

Trustee Board

The Trustee of the IMI UK pension arrangements is IMI Pensions Trust Limited. The Directors of the Trustee Company are:

Company Nominated Directors
Year Appointed
Greg Croydon* - Former Group Pensions Director
John Jones - Head of Reward & Sustainability

Member Nominated Directors
Year Appointed
Chris Dunn - Service Engineer
Jennie Cooke - Senior Applications Consultant
Krisztina Strath - Best Practice & Development Manager

* Member of the Investment Committee

Actuarial Valuations of the IMI 2014 Pensioner Fund and 2014 Deferred Fund

As at 31 March 2021, the Trustee asked the Funds’ actuary to conduct a full actuarial review of the funding levels. The actuary also provided interim updates as at 31 March 2022, 2020 and 2019. The actuary produces a valuation based on the position where the funds are deemed to be ‘self-sufficient’. ‘Self-sufficient’ means well-funded with so little investment risk that the Trustee would not need to rely on IMI in the future for any further contributions and would be approaching the point where all the liabilities could be bought out with insurance companies, thus minimising the risk on the Members' benefits.

A summary of this funding level is shown in the table below. On the Trustee’s key measure of self-sufficiency, the funding position improved from 101% to 114% for the year to 31 March 2022.

IMI 2014 Deferred Fund - Self Sufficiency Basis

Year EndingAssets (£m)Liabilities (£m)Surplus / (Deficit) £mAssets / Liabilities %
31 March 202261653878114%
31 March 20215885826101%
31 March 2020563588(25)96%
31 March 2019515571(56)90%

Report and accounts

Here you can find a summary of the accounts for the IMI 2014 Deferred Fund. You can download the full report and accounts for the last three years here:

IMI 2014 Deferred Fund 2022 accounts

IMI 2014 Deferred Fund 2021 accounts

IMI 2014 Deferred Fund 2020 accounts

IMI 2014 Deferred Fund 2018 accounts signed with opinion

Summary Funding Statements

Here you can find annual updates on the IMI 2014 Deferred Fund's funding position:

Summary Funding Statement as at 31 March 2022

Summary Funding Statement as at 31 March 2021

Summary Funding Statement as at 31 March 2020

Summary Funding Statement as at 31 March 2019

Statement of Investment Principles

Here you can read the Statement of Investment Principles for the IMI 2014 Deferred Fund. This includes information about the Trustee's investment strategy:

IMI 2020 Deferred Fund Statement of Investment Principles

Annual Implementation Statement

IMI Deferred Fund Annual Implementation Statement

Fund Benefits

The benefits the Fund currently provides are set out in the Trust Deed and Rules and are summarised in the Fund booklets. While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information in these booklets, in the event of a discrepancy the Trust Deed and Rules will override the booklet. In brief:

On leaving IMI with a deferred pension:

IMI Section Member

  • IMI Section member (joined the Fund before 1 July 2002) – if you left IMI before November 1987 your deferred pension may be payable at age 65. The majority of IMI Section deferred members will have a payable age of 60 or later if you’re still working for IMI after you’re 60.
  • You can leave your deferred pension in the Fund; or transfer it to another registered pension arrangement; or you can apply for early payment at a reduced rate once you reach age 50.

Main Section Member

  • Main Section member (joined the Fund on or after 1 July 2006) – your deferred pension is payable at age 65 or later if you’re still working for IMI after you’re 65.
  • You can leave your deferred pension in the Fund, or transfer it to another registered pension scheme; or you can apply for early payment at a reduced rate from age 55 subject to Trustee consent.

MKR Members

  • MKR members – your deferred pension is due for payment at age 60 or later if you’re still working for IMI.
  • You can leave your deferred pension in the Fund; or transfer it to another registered pension arrangement; or you can apply for early payment at a reduced rate once you reach age 50.

At retirement

You’ll receive an annual pension, payable for life. Under current tax law, you can exchange part of this pension for a tax-free lump sum.

If you have any questions now or in the future about the IMI 2014 Deferred Fund, please get in touch with the Fund’s administrator, Willis Towers Watson:


Telephone: 01737 788145

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